The Crofter

32 bar strathspey for 5 couples in a longwise set

by Tim Harrison (2000)

Bars     Directions
1-8 2nd woman with 1st couple, 2nd man and 4th woman with 3rd couple, 4th man with 5th couple circle hands round to the left and back.
9-16 2nd woman with 1st couple, 2nd man and 4th woman with 3rd couple, 4th man with 5th couple dance right hands across and back.
17-24 1st and 3rd couples dance down the middle and back. 2nd and 4th couples step in on bar 24.
25-28 1st and 2nd couples, 3rd and 4th couples dance half poussette. 5th couple step in on bar 28.
29-32 1st and 4th couples, 3rd and 5th couples dance half poussette.

Recommended tune: Any good strathspey.

Note: This dance is a 5 couple, Strathspey variant of the Linton Ploughman.