Gyre and Reel

32 bar jig for 3 couples in a longwise set

by Tim Harrison (2003)

Bars     Directions
1-4   1st couple, giving right hands, turn and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3 & 4.
5-8   1st couple, giving left hands, turn 1 1/4 times to face 1st corner.
9-16   Turn corner, partner, corner, partner with 1st and 2nd corners, using elbow hold (cup right hand behind partner's elbow). On bars 15 & 16, 1st couple turn 1 1/4 times round to face 3rd corner.
17-24   Turn corner, partner, corner, partner with 3rd and 4th corners, using elbow hold (cup right hand behind partner's elbow). On bars 23 & 24, 1st couple cross, giving left hands, to face out opposite side of dance in 2nd position.
25-32   Dance reels of three on the sides. 1st man gives left shoulder to 2nd woman. 1st woman gives left shoulder to 3rd man. On bars 31 & 32, 1st couple, giving right hands, cross to finish in 2nd position on own side of dance. When repeating, 1st couple should finish in 2nd position in the center on own side of dance with right hands joined.

Recommended tune: Any good jig.

Note: This dance was quickly devised for a class that needed to work on proper technique in turns.