Waterloo Silver

40 bar strathspey for 5 couples in a longwise set

by Tim Harrison (2001)

Bars     Directions
1-4 First & third couples turn partner with right hand, and cast off one place. Second & fourth couples step up on bars 3 and 4.
5-8 First & third couples turn partner with left hand 1 1/4 times. Finish in the center of the set.
9-16 First woman with second couple, first man and third woman with fourth couple, and third man with fifth couple dance right hands across and back.
17-20 First & third couples turn partner with right hand, set to partner with women facing down and men facing up.
21-24 First & third couples turn partner with both hands, pull back on right shoulder.
25-32 First woman with second couple, first man and third woman with fourth couple, and third man with fifth couple circle hands round and back. First & third men pull back on left shoulders at end of circle. First & third couples finish in center of set, woman to the right of the man.
33-40 First & third couples cross, giving left hand, between the couple above them, cast off to second place, cross with right hand, and cast off one place. Fourth & fifth couples step up on bars 39 & 40.
Repeat from new positions (order 2 4 1 5 3)

Recommended tune: Any good strathspey.

Note: Waterloo is the original name of Austin, Texas, USA. This dance was written to commemorate the 25th Ball of the Austin Scottish Dance Society.