Scottish Country Dances
Devised by
Tim Harrison

This is the official repository for dances devised by Tim Harrison.

Dance Name Type Year
An Austin Celebration 40R5 2000
Austin Silver 32S5 2000
Austin Quicksilver 32R5 2000
The Crofter 32S5 2000
The Fireside Lounge 32S5 2000
Ginger Reel 32R3 2006
Gyre and Reel 32R3 2003
Leaves of Autumn 32R3 2003
A Midsummer Reel 32R3 2003
A Midsummer Strathspey 32S3 2003
The Quicksilver Reel 40J3 2000
Reely Quick Across 16R3 2001
Reely Quick on the Sides 16R3 2001
St. Jerome's Reel 32R5 2000
The Second of June 32S2 2004
Sit This One Out 32R3 2006
A Tough Row to Hoe 32S5 2000
Torf's Delight 32S3 2004
Waterloo Silver 40S5 2001
Waterloo Strathspey 32S5 2000

Copyright 2000-2012 Tim Harrison
These dances may be printed and copied on print media.
These dances may not be copied to another website or made electronically available to others.
Derivative works (cribs, diagrams) shall provide a link to this URL: <>.