The Second of June

32 bar strathspey for 2 couples in a longwise set

by Tim Harrison (2004)

Bars     Directions
1-8 1st and 2nd couples set, dance four hands round to the left halfway, turn partner one and one-half times round with both hands.
9-16 2nd and 1st couples dance a diagonal reel of four. To begin, 2nd lady and 1st man give right shoulder to partners (i.e., it's as if the order at the beginning of the reel is 2M 2L 1M 1L). Finish in original places.
17-24 2nd and 1st couples dance a diagonal reel of four. To begin, 2nd man gives right shoulder to 1st man and 1st lady gives right shoulder to 2nd lady (i.e., it's as if the order at the beginning of the reel is 2L 1L 2M 1M). Finish in original places.
25-32 2nd and 1st couples set, turn partner with both hands, and flow into a circle of four hands round to the left.

Recommended tune: Torf's Tune by Muriel Johnstone.

Note: This dance was devised to celebrate the 70th birthday anniversary of Torf in Austin, Texas. Torf often refers to the formation danced in bars 25-32 as "the most beautiful figure in Scottish country dancing."